
Open Educational Resources


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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Document Key Comparative Timelines

A look at key events in France and Britain during the period

1789, 1794, 1792, 1790s, French Revolution view
Document The London Corresponding Society

Unsurprisingly the Paineite London Corresponding Society came under frequent attack for its allegedly radical aims.

Here we see one of...

British history, Georgian Britain, Thomas Paine, 1794, LCS view
Document unit 4

A (chilling?) insight into Robespierre's thinking!

1792, 1794, Robespierre, French Revolution view
Document unit 4

A timeline of key events in the Terror period

1792, 1794, French Revolution view
Document unit 4

Leading Girondin and female politician Madame Roland's harrowing account of the September Massacres

1792, 1794, Robespierre, Danton, Jacobinism, French Revolution view
Document unit 5

Popular report of Robespierre's rather miserable end

1789, 1792, 1794, French Revolution view
Document unit 5

Key events and issues from the Thermidorean period

1789, 1792, 1794, French Revolution, Robespierre view
Document unit 5

Insightful glimpses into events leading up the overthrow of Robespierre, from the Diary entries of one of the soon to be Thermidoreans

1789, 1794, French Revolution view
Subscribe to 1794