18th century
Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10Type | Title | Description | Keywords | Full details |
George Romney: Emma Hart as Circe c.1782 |
This link takes to to some useful information about George Romney's painting of Emma Hart as Circe, c.1782, in the Tate Gallery, London ... |
Emma Hamilton, Emma Hart, Nelson, Sir William Hamilton, George Romney, Portraiture, Collectors, 18th century, Long 18th Century | view | |
This link takes you to an intuitive GIS interface enabling researchers to map and visualize textual and artefactual data relating to seventeenth... |
London, 18th century, Collections, Collectors, Historical Maps, Enlightenment | view | |
A Prospect and a Description: The Pleasures of the Imagination in Eighteenth Century Naples, Lesley Murphy |
To the eighteenth century traveller, a visit to Naples meant an encounter with Nature and Antiquity that necessitated an aesthetic as well as an... |
18th century, Grand Tour, Italy, Naples | view | |
A Tale of Two Colstons: The Rise and Fall of A British Slave Trader’s Legacy by Ritch Sibthorpe |
Abstract: The toppling of a statue of slave-trader and Royal Africa Company (RAC) executive Edward Colston during the Black Lives Matter protests... |
18th century, Colston, slavery, Royal Africa Company | view | |
Agricultural revolution week 1 slides |
Introduction |
Agricultural history, agricultural revolution, 17th century, 18th century, 19th century | view | |
This link takes you to a digitised version of Antiquités étrusques, grecques et romaines, ou les beaux vases étrusques, grecs et romains, et... |
Sir William Hamilton, Baron d'Hancarville, ANTIQUITÉS ÉTRUSQUES, GRECQUES ET ROMAINES, Greek art, Attic Red Figure, Attic Black Figure, vases, 18th century, Enlightenment | view | |
Bach - Vioiln Concerto in A minor - BWV 1041 |
A link to the IMSLP page of scores of Bach's Vioiln Concerto in A minor - BWV 1041. The version that I have photocopied for you is the Barenreiter... |
Concerto, violin, Baroque, Bach, 18th century | view | |
One of three contemporary caricatures (cartoons) shown here offering satirical insights into the American conflict. In this print America... |
American Revolution, Georgian Britain, Lord North, Britannia, 18th century, Intolerable acts, Boston | view | ||
Britons will never be slaves! Britannia and liberty as a construct of British national identity in James Thomson and Thomas Arne’s song Rule Britannia and Thomas Rowlandson’s engraving, The Contrast, 1792, British Liberty, French Liberty, Which is best? |
In comparing and contrasting the song, Rule Britannia and the political print, The Contrast, 1792, British Liberty. French Liberty,... |
British politics, national identity, 18th century | view | |
Burke the Prophet?: Reflections on the French Revolution |
Interestingly it was Burke however who was the first to go public with his fears, in 1790. And his early warning of the dangers of French... |
French Revolution, Georgian Britain, Edmund Burke, Terror, 18th century | view |