
Open Educational Resources

art history

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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Document King Edward VI and the Pope and Elizabeth I: Drawing Parallels in Tudor Group Portraits and Texts, Chelsea Swales

For over fifty years, ‘King Edward VI and the Pope or An Allegory of the Reformation under Edward VI’ has posed a mystery. The anonymous painting...

Tudor, art history, Portraits, Text, Elizabeth I view
Document Picturing the Future: The Feminist Orientation of Portraiture in The Ebony Frame and an Example of Victorian Spirit Art, Cathy Jewison

As a visible expression of Victorian culture, portraiture reflected the many and varied interests of the era, including a preoccupation with death...

art history, Literature, spirituality, feminism, Victorian Culture view
Document The Acquisition of Taste: The replication, reproduction and reception of a classical gem in Britain in the eighteenth and nineteenth centures by Richard Aronowitz

This article examines the influence that the three-dimensional replication and two-dimensional reproduction of classical gems in...

art history view
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