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Document A border to the unknown: folk ritual and interpretations of astrological phenomena in Edmond Halley’s A Description of the Passage of the Shadow of the Moon over England (1723) and James Catnach’s almanac, The Prophetic Messenger (1833), Anya Hancock

Halley’s widely circulated broadside presents one of the earliest rational analyses of a solar eclipse. In it, the Enlightenment scientist...

Enlightenment, Astrology view
Link Casebooks Project: Casebooks of Simon Forman and John Dee (1596–1634)

The Casebooks Project aims to make available the astrological records of Simon Forman and Richard Napier — unparalleled resources in the history...

Astrology, Magic, Superstition, John Dee, Simon Forman, Elizabeth I, 16th century view
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