
Open Educational Resources

Chinese beginners

Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Link Real Chinese

This website provides BBC’s online Chinese course.

Chinese beginners view
Link A Foundation Course in Mandarin

This website provides Audio Clips, Exercise Keys, Vocabulary Lists, Indexes, and other materials for the foundation levels of Chinese language...

Language, Mandarin, Chinese beginners, Elementary Chinese, Chinese intermediate view
Link Chinese Allegory and Idioms

This website provides Chinese allegory and idioms which are commonly used in modern Chinese language.

Language, Chinese beginners, Chinese intermediate, Chinese advanced view
Link Chinese I (Regular)

This is MIT OpenCourseWare website. It offers a Chinese language course for beginning level and can be used for self-instruction.

Language, Chinese beginners, Elementary Chinese, Mandarin view
Link Chinese Multimedia Course by University of Oxford

This website provides 22 lessons in real live situations videos.

Chinese beginners, Chinese intermediate view
Link Chinese Pod

ChinesePod design for busy people and applies technology to create a new learning experience that makes learning Chinese as convenient, flexible...

Chinese beginners view
Link Chinese Reading World (By University of Iowa)

This website provides online reading at three levels. Reading texts are accompanied by questions and sound recordings.

Language, Chinese advanced, Chinese intermediate, Elementary Chinese, Chinese beginners view
Link Conversational Mandarin Chinese I by Tim Xie

This website provides 15 lessons in basic Chinese developed by Dr.Tianwei Xie, California State University

Chinese beginners view
Link Videos for New Practical Chinese Reader

This website provides videos for Chinese text books “New Practical Chinese Reader 1, 2, 3”. Note this may not work in all browsers.

Language, Chinese beginners, Elementary Chinese, Chinese intermediate view
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