Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10Type | Title | Description | Keywords | Full details |
From Belles-Lettres to Eng-Lit: Criticism and its Publics |
Lecture on the history of literary criticism by Professor Stefan Collini (University of Cambridge). |
Criticism, Analysis, Literary Theory, English studies | view | |
Colluquy |
Open-access peer-reviewed journal on literary and cultural studies. |
Criticism, Literary Theory | view | |
Victorian Network |
Open-access peer-reviewed journal on Victorian studies. |
Nineteenth-century, Victorian, Criticism | view | |
Old English Literature: a Hypertext Coursepack |
Oxford University study guide to Old English poetry, including hypertext editions, glossaries and notes, reading lists, translations, and... |
Old English, Language, Poetry, Analysis, Criticism | view | |
19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century |
Open-access peer-reviewed journal on nineteenth-century literature and culture. |
Nineteenth-century, Victorian, Criticism | view | |
The Criterion: An International Journal in English |
Open-access peer-reviewed journal on world literature in English. |
Criticism, Analysis, Anglophone, Literary Theory | view | |
Literary Theory: John Lye’s Course and Source Page |
Widely used webpages on literary theory by Professor John Lye (Brock University). |
Literary Theory, Analysis, Criticism | view | |
Neo-Victorian Studies |
Open-access, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal on contemporary re-imaginings of Victorian literature and culture. |
Contemporary, Twentieth-century, Victorian, Criticism | view | |
Romantics Unbound: A Hypertextual Learning Space |
Dr. David S. Hogsette’s (New York Institute of Technology) website on the Romantics. Includes information about Romantic authors, literary genres... |
Romantic, Eighteenth-century, Nineteenth-century, Gothic, Criticism | view | |
Poetics of Anxiety and Security: Home Bhabha on Auden and Arendt |
Audio recordings from a two-day conference on W. H. Auden and Hannah Arendt, hosted by the Birkbeck School of Law and the Serpentine Gallery. |
Poetry, Twentieth-century, Criticism, Literary Theory | view |