
Open Educational Resources


Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Link American Authors

Dr Donna Campbell’s (Washington State University) website on American authors from the seventeenth to twentieth centuries. Includes a timeline and...

American, Seventeeth-century, Eighteenth-century, Nineteenth-century, Twentieth-century view
Link American Literature I: Beginnings to Civil War

New York University online course on early American Literature. Includes video lectures and post-lecture notes/Q&A.

American, Eighteenth-century, Nineteenth-century, Novels, Poetry, Prose, Stories view
Link Aphra Behn Online: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830

Open-access peer-reviewed journal on women and the arts from 1640-1830.

Women, Eighteenth-century, Seventeeth-century, Romantic, Nineteenth-century view
Link Cardiff Corvey: Reading the Romantic Text

Open-access journal on Romantic literature (continued as Romantic Textualities from 2005).

Romantic, Eighteenth-century, Nineteenth-century, Criticism view
Link Cultural and Literary Expression in the 18th and 19th Centuries

Online course on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century literature.

Eighteenth-century, Nineteenth-century, Novels, Poetry, Prose, Drama view
Link Digital Defoe: Studies in Defoe and His Contemporaries

Open-access peer-reviewed journal on Defoe and eighteenth-century writers.

Eighteenth-century, Daniel Defoe, Fiction, Novels, Criticism, Analysis view
Link English Romantic Poetry

Online course on Romantic poetry.

Romantic, Poetry, Nineteenth-century, Eighteenth-century view
Link Literature in English: Late-17th to Mid-19th Century

Itunes podcasts by Charles Altieri (UC Berkeley) on seventeenth- to nineteenth-century literature.

Seventeeth-century, Eighteenth-century, Nineteenth-century view
Link Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Drama

Online course on eighteenth-century drama.

Eighteenth-century, Restoration, Drama view
Link Romantic Circles

Refereed scholarly website on Romantic literature and culture. Published by the University of Maryland.

Romantic, Eighteenth-century, Nineteenth-century view
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