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Eighteenth Century in Germany

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Link Institutional hypocrisy: the Imperial Diet in the 18th century - a German Sonderweg?

Professor Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger (University of Münster) delivers a lecture as part of the "East and East-Central Europe: Special Paths (...

German history, Germany, Eighteenth Century, 18th century, Eighteenth Century in Germany view
Link Freemasons versus Jesuits: Conspiracy Theories in Enlightenment Germany

Inaugural lecture by Ritchie Robertson as Taylor Professor of the German Language and Literature. Lecture title: Freemasons versus Jesuits:...

German history, 19th century, Eighteenth Century in Germany, European history view
Link Texts, Topics, and Times in German Literature

In diesem Kurs erhalten Sie einen Überblick über einige wichtige literarische Texte, Tendenzen und Themen aus der deutschsprachigen...

Advanced German, Arts and History; Arts; German; Goethe; History; Lieder; Music; Poems; Poetry; Schubert, Eighteenth Century in Germany, German Literature view
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