
Open Educational Resources


Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Typesort descending Title Description Keywords Full details
Document Reading the First Section

The second coursework sheet: questions and some background information relating to GMS I (393–405).

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Document More on Imperatives

Information about Kant's derivation of the categorical imperative FUL/FLN in GMS II, including a list of exemplary maxims.

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Document Moving on to GMS III

The revised (corrected) version of the four-page notes for GMS III, §§1–4.

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Document Course Overview

Notes about the schedule, translations, coursework, and rescources.

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Document The Preface

Selective notes about the Preface of GMS.

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Document Groundwork Section II

A 4-page overview of the structure of GMS II (including a list the various formulae of the categorical imperative).

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Document Deriving the Formula of Humanity: 427.19–429.13

An attempt (with dubious success) to 'translate' and crystalise the passages leading up to FH.

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Document Introduction to Ethics - resources

A list of resources recommended for the course 'Introduction to Ethics'. Includes links to freely available literature and audio recordings.

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Document Teleology and Dialectic: Further Thoughts

Further notes concerning GMS I: 394–6 (teleology) and 403–5 (natural dialectic).

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Document Duties, Maxims, and the Synthetic Apriori

Further notes related to passages in GMS II.

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