
Open Educational Resources


Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Document Picturing the Future: The Feminist Orientation of Portraiture in The Ebony Frame and an Example of Victorian Spirit Art, Cathy Jewison

As a visible expression of Victorian culture, portraiture reflected the many and varied interests of the era, including a preoccupation with death...

art history, Literature, spirituality, feminism, Victorian Culture view
Document Private Spaces for Public Consumption: Female Privacy as Erotic Satire in Eighteenth-Century British Print Culture, Ruby Rutter

Female privacy in eighteenth-century British print culture was often represented as facilitating salacious and debauched behaviour. The...

18th century, satire, feminism view
Document The Angel in the House and Fallen Women: Assigning Women their Places in Victorian Society, Sarah Kuhl

This article juxtaposes Coventry Patmore’s poem ‘The Angel in the House’ and William Holman Hunt’s painting ‘The Awakening Conscience’, examining...

Pre-raphaelite, 19th century, Victorian, Gender, feminism, Poetry view
Document The Journey from the Veil to the Tassel: The Progression of Female Higher Education in Britain with a Focus on Medical Education and the Influence of India During the Late Nineteenth Century, Noor-e Islam

This article will discuss a poem written by Krishnabhabini Das, first published in Calcutta in 1885. The poem selected reveals a desperately...

Indian history, 19th century, Victorian England, Gender, feminism, Poetry view
Document Women in Victorian England

Some key dates

Victorian England, victorian history, Victorian Culture, Queen Victoria, feminism view
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