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Georgian Britain

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
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Document A Nation in Embryo? Paine on Freedom & Tyranny

These extracts, from the first in a series of pamphlets written by Thomas Paine between 1776 and 1783, really illustrate Paine's political...

American Revolution, Georgian Britain, Thomas Paine, eighteenth century history, common sense, 1776 view
Document Anti-Terror Measures & Parliamentary Concerns

An extract from a House of Commons speech by an M.P. offering critical observations on government anti-Terror measures - note the ironic...

william pitt, Terror, French Revolution, Georgian Britain view
Document Wilkes & The Power of Words

The emerging power of the press, and the media generally, really began to show itself however in the 1760s, thanks to the work of this man –...

Eighteenth Century, Georgian Britain, john wilkes, Newspapers view
Document The London Corresponding Society

Unsurprisingly the Paineite London Corresponding Society came under frequent attack for its allegedly radical aims.

Here we see one of...

British history, Georgian Britain, Thomas Paine, 1794, LCS view
Document Redefining Politics & the Role of the King

Earlier attitudes to the King, and indeed politics itself, began to rapidly change however in the 1790s, with fears about the rise of French...

king george III, william pitt, toryism, eighteenth century history, Georgian Britain view
Document Liberty, Licentiousness & the Law

Extracts from a Charge to a Grand Jury in 1792, illustrating the wide ranging cultural effects of French Terror - and indeed British anti-Terror...

1792, Georgian Britain, william pitt, Terror, French Revolution, Jacobinism view
Document Central Government & Volunteering

Extracts from government correspondence discussing the potential, and indeed pitfalls, of local volunteer initatives. Note the central dilemma the...

1792, Terror, volunteers, william pitt, Georgian Britain, revolutionary war view
Document Pamphlets & Hannah More

Hannah More was one of the leading contributors to the loyalist pamphlet campaign of the 1790s. This document contains an image of the front cover...

1790s, Georgian Britain, loyalism, Hannah More view
Document Queer Expression in Georgian England : Subverting Norms in the Face of Oppression by Jack Nall

At first glance, British Georgian society may have expressed rather strict codes regarding the expression of love, gender, and sexuality inherited...

Long 18th Century, Georgian Britain view
Document Nation Making, French Revolutionary Style: What is the Third Estate?

These extracts, from one of the key early pamphlets of the French Revolution, represent one of the first attempts to define the nation in a modern...

French Revolution, Georgian Britain, 1789, Third estate view
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