
Open Educational Resources

Jane Austen

Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Document Augustan Literature

Handout to accompany lecture on Mansfield Park

Jane Austen, The Novel, Fiction, Eighteenth - century, Nineteenth-century, Women's writing view
Document Austen Questions

List of undergraduate essay questions

Jane Austen, Women's writing, Fiction, Nineteenth-century, Eighteenth - century view
Link Calendars for Jane Austen’s Novels

Website with chronologies for Austen’s narratives

Jane Austen, Fiction, Women's writing, Nineteenth-century, Eighteenth - century view
Document Circulation and Taste: The Return of the Royal Navy at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century by Liam Furniss

By the end of the eighteenth century, Britain had come to occupy the strongest position in the global economy. This was done via military conquest...

Long 18th Century, Jane Austen, International Trade view
Document Epistolary fiction

Handout on epistolary fiction

Jane Austen, Women's writing, Fiction, The Novel, Nineteenth-century, Eighteenth - century view
Document Gothic Novel

Handout to accompany talk on Northanger Abbey and the Gothic Novel. Used in conjunction with the WW. Norton Norton Topics Online link provided,...

Jane Austen, The Novel, Nineteenth-century, Eighteenth - century, Women's writing, Fiction, Gothic view
Document Handout Emma talk

Handout to accompany lecture on Emma.

Jane Austen, Women's writing, Eighteenth - century, Nineteenth-century, The Novel, Fiction view
Document Handout on context Mansfield Park

Document to accompany talk on Mansfield Park and the Regency

Jane Austen, Eighteenth - century, Nineteenth-century, The Novel, Fiction, Women's writing view
Audio Irony in Jane Austen's novels

Podcast on irony in Jane Austen's novels

Jane Austen, The Novel, Fiction, Women's writing, Irony view
Course Jane Austen

Many readers enjoy Austen’s novels but cannot define the qualities that make them so special and enduring. This course will help you to analyse...

Jane Austen, Fiction, Novels, Women's writing, Nineteenth-century, Eighteenth - century view
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