
Open Educational Resources

Japanese Kanji

Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Link Advanced Japanese I

This material was designed at MIT for advanced learners of Japanese. The study material section gives you a list of kanji with readings, meanings...

Japanese Advanced, Japanese Grammar, Japanese Kanji view
Link Advanced Japanese II

This material was designed at MIT for advanced learners of Japanese. The related resources section gives you a list of links to websites that are...

Japanese Advanced, Japanese Grammar, Japanese Kanji, Japanese Reading view
Link AJALT Online Japanese Learning Resources

AJALT (Association for Japanese Language Teaching) is an association that develops various Japanese textbooks including Japanese for Busy People....

Japanese Beginners, Japanese Elementary, Japanese Intermediate, Japanese Advanced, Japanese Kanji view
Link Genki Online

This is an online Japanese learning website for beginners designed by The Japan Times. There are various downloadable learning materials including...

Japanese Beginners, Japanese Kanji view
Link Intermediate Japanese

This material was designed at MIT for intermediate learners of Japanese. The study material section gives you various exercises and quizzes...

Japanese Intermediate, Japanese Grammar, Japanese Kanji view
Link Japanese I (Beginners)

This material was designed at MIT for Japanese beginners and includes various exercises and study materials. This course covers Japanese: The...

Japanese Beginners, Japanese Kanji view
Link Japanese IV (Advanced)

This material was designed at MIT for intermediate / advanced learners of Japanese and includes various exercises and study materials. This course...

Japanese Advanced, Japanese Grammar, Japanese Kanji view
Link Japanese Verb Conjugation List

The list offers Japanese verb conjugations for masu-form, dictionary form, te-form, as well as kanji and their meanings. It is useful for...

Japanese Beginners, Japanese Elementary, Japanese Intermediate, Japanese Kanji view
Link JLPT Study Page

This is a website that gives lists of grammatical points and kanji for each level of JLPT exams. It follows the new scheme of the JLPT exams and...

Japanese Beginners, Japanese Elementary, Japanese Intermediate, Japanese Advanced, Japanese Grammar, Japanese Kanji view
Link joyo96 Japanese Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana

This website designed for beginners, elementary, and intermediate learners of Japanese shows you various lists of kanji, hiragana, and katakana....

Japanese Beginners, Japanese Elementary, Japanese Intermediate, Japanese Kanji view
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