
Open Educational Resources


Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Link "Cognitive psychology" - Online Course by The Saylor Foundation

This is a link to a course which introduces Cognitive Psychology. Memory, along with attention, perception, language, and decision making, are...

cognitive psychology, Chomsky, Cognition, motivation, Emotion, neuropsychology, attention, memory, Language, Knowledge, pattern recognition, object perception, problem solving, reasoning, decision making view
Link Attention

What does ‘attention’ mean? This link to the Open University unit on attention attempts to unravel the mysteries of the field of attention and ...

attention, cognitive, distract, memory, Psychology, sounds, images, stimuli view
Link Behavioural Neuroscience and Alzheimer's Disease Lecture

Dr Barbara Knowlton from UCLA discusses the cognitive changes and symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease, before outlining some risk factors...

memory, Learning, alzheimer's disease, cognitive psychology, psychobiology view
Link Elizabeth Loftus on Eyewitness Testimony

Professor Elizabeth Loftus discusses the unreliable nature of eyewitness testimony and describes her groundbreaking research on eye witness...

Eye-witness testimony, memory, Cognition, Loftus, Psychology view
Link Expertise - Expert Performance and Practice

This link is to an article which is an updated exercpt from Ericsson (2000). It evaluates the research on expertise, which refers to the...

Cognition, Learning, memory, Psychology, expertise view
Link Eyewitness Testimony Clip - "This is Psychology"

American Psychological Association CEO, Dr. Norman Anderson, discusses the unreliable nature of eyewitness testimony and evaluates research in...

Eye-witness testimony, memory, Cognition, Psychology, information processing view
Link Introduction to Psychology Course by the Saylor Foundation

This is a link to an online, introductory course which presents the fundamental principles of psychology. It begins with a short overview of the...

Psychology, nature, nurture, nature-nurture debate, memory, Cognition, Communication, neurospsychology, Introduction, introduction to psychology, Learning, sensation, Perception, development, adolescence, psychopathology view
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