
Open Educational Resources


Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Link "Pointed Roofs" by Dorothy Richardson

The full text of "Pointed Roofs" by Dorothy Richardson

Fiction, Modernism view
Link Art and Morality

D.H. Lawrence, “Art and Morality” (1925)

D.H. Lawrence, Modernism view
Link Art Appreciation and Techniques

A broad based, accessible introduction to Art Historical concepts and techniques aimed at novice students. The course units consist of guided...

Baroque, Aesthetics, Mannerism, Neoclassical, Modernism, Postmodernism view
Course Character In Modernist Fiction

“On or about December 1910," Virginia Woolf famously wrote, "human character changed". So too did characters in fiction. This course explores the...

The Novel, Fiction, Modernism view
Link Cultural and Literary Expression in Modernity

Online course on literary and cultural modernism.

Modernism, Twentieth-century, Poetry, Fiction, Drama, Prose, Postmodernism, Literary Theory view
Link D. H. Lawrence

7-part podcast series on the works of D. H. Lawrence.

Creative Common UK: England & Wales Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 2.0

D.H. Lawrence, Fiction, Novels, Twentieth-century, Modernism view
Link DH Lawrence Website at the University of Nottingham

DH Lawrence Website at the University of Nottingham

D.H. Lawrence, Modernism view
Link Dorothy Richardson website

Dorothy Richardson website

Fiction, Modernism view
Link English Timeline

An interactive timeline from the British Library exploring the evolution of English language and literature, 1000 AD-present.

Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Books, Early modern, Renaissance, Romantic, Victorian, Modernism, Postmodernism, Contemporary view
Link First World War Poetry Digital Archive

Online repository of texts, images, and audio and video materials related to the First World War poets.

Poetry, Modernism, Twentieth-century, First World War, Analysis view
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