
Open Educational Resources


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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Image collection Apollo and Herakles fight over the Delphic Tripod, Apollo and Herakles fight over the Delphic Tripod. Mid-sixth century BCE Metope from the Heraion at Foce del Sele

These photographs show the tussle between Apollo and Herakles for the Delphic Tripod.

Delphi, Herakles, Apollo, Greek art, myth, paestum view

Hesperia and the Hesperides occasionally find their way into Atlantis theorising. This link takes you to some useful information and links about...

Atlantis, Hesperia, Hesperides, myth, Archaeology, Pseudoarchaeology, Herakles view

Up in the Greek mythological north we find Hyperborea, ‘the Land Beyond the North Wind’, inhabited by the Hyperboreans - a blessed race who spent...

Atlantis, Hyperborea, Hyperboreans, myth, Archaeology, Mythical lands, Pseudoarchaeology, Pseudoscience, Greek Myth, Plato view

Plutarch wrote a biography of Solon, in which he tells us that Solon tried, unsuccessfully, to introduce to the Atlantis story to the Greeks in a...

Atlantis, Plato, Solon, Ancient Greek, myth view
Link The Beazley Archive

The Archive contains the world's largest collection of photographs of ancient Greek painted pottery, as well as relevant books and offprints,...

Greek, artefacts, Classical, vase painting, myth view
Link Topics in pre-modern Chinese History

A learning module exploring Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism, imperial China, women in Chinese society, myth and other topics

China, Confucius, Confucianism, Chinese history, Daoism, Legalism, Imperial China, Women, myth, Buddhism view
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