
Open Educational Resources


Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Link Correspondence of Napoleon 1797-1815

A selection of dispatches and orders from Napoleon I during the period 1797 to 1815. The documents are in the original French and also in English...

Napoleon, military history, History, Nineteenth-century view
Link Madame de Rémusat, Remembrances of Napoleon, 1880

Madame de Rémusat, Remembrances of Napoleon, 1880

Napoleon, French Revolution, Napoleonic Empire view
Course Monarchy and Revolution 1625-1815

This course looks at Britain and France,1625 and 1815, when the very idea and nature of Monarchical rule came under persistent Revolutionary...

Charles I, Robespierre, Napoleon, English Civil War, American Revolution, French Revolution, Napoleonic Empire view
Document Napoleon and Empire

Powerpoint presentation on the Napoleonic Empire (week 9 of the course)

Napoleon, Nelson, French Empire, Battle of Trafalgar view
Link Napoleon's Military Campaign in Russia 1812

In 1812 using a huge army consisting of both French and other European soldiers Napoleon made the dramatic decision to invade the Russian Empire....

Napoleon, Napoleonic Empire, Nineteenth-century France, Russian Empire, military history, History view
Audio Q&A, Dr Kate Watson in conversation with Adam Potterton

Q&A, Dr Kate Watson in conversation with Adam Potterton

English Civil War, American Revolution, French Revolution, Napoleon view
Audio Quiz 1, People & Parties - Answers

Answers to first quiz for Monarchy and Revolution 1625-1815 course.

Charles I, English Civil War, Thomas Paine, Cromwell, American Revolution, Robespierre, Napoleon, French Revolution view
Audio Quiz 1, People & Parties - Questions

First quiz questions for Monarchy and Revolution 1625-1815 course

English Civil War, Charles I, Cromwell, Thomas Paine, American Revolution, Robespierre, French Revolution, Napoleon view
Audio Quiz 2, Dates & Places - Answers

Answers to second quiz for Monarchy and Revolution 1625-1815 course.

English Civil War, Charles I, Cromwell, Lord North, George III, American Revolution, Robespierre, French Revolution, Napoleon view
Audio Quiz 2, Dates & Places - Questions

Second quiz questions for Monarchy and Revolution 1625-1815 course.

Charles I, English Civil War, Robespierre, French Revolution, American Revolution, Thomas Paine, Napoleon, Cromwell view
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