
Open Educational Resources

Nazi Germany

Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Document Albert Camus' The Plague

Short extracts from Camus' seminal work for criticism and review.

French history, Second World War, Nazi Germany view
Document Bernhard Schlink's The Reader

Short extracts from Schlink's seminal novel for criticism and reivew.

German history, Nazi Germany, Second World War view
Link Images of Nazi Germany 1933-1945

An archive of images of the German Nazi period covering the following topics: Building the Nazi Regime, The Nazi State, The SS and Police System,...

Nazi Germany, Second World War, Fascism, Twentieth-century, dictatorship, History view
Document Key Timeline Nazi Germany

Some key dates & themes related to the rise and nature of Nazi Germany

Second World War, Nazi Germany, Weimar Germany, Versailles Treaty view
Link Nazi Germany

Key souces on Nazi Germany

German history, Nazi Germany, Twentieth century view
Audio Quiz 1 - Answers

The answers to the first quiz.

World War One, World War Two, Vichy France, Russian Revolution, Stalin, Nazi Germany view
Audio Quiz 2 - Answers

Answers to the second and final of our two quizzes

the plague, birdsong, the reader, one day in the life of, white guard, World War One, World War Two, USSR, Nazi Germany, Vichy France view
Audio Quiz 2: the Novels

The 2nd of our 2 quizzes for the course, this time on Novels of the period

Russian Revolution, Stalin, Nazi Germany, Hitler, Occupied France, Vichy France, First World War, Second World War, birdsong, the plague, white guard, one day in the life of, the reader view
Link The Holocaust

This Open University unit explors the Holocaust, as the destruction of European Jewry is commonly known. The mass killing represented by the...

20th century, German history, Germany, Nazi Germany, European history view
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