
Open Educational Resources


Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Course First Steps in Formal Logic

As Tweedledee says, "If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be: but as it...

Logic, Philosophy view
Course First Steps in Formal Logic 2013

Logic is concerned with the rules of coherent and systematic reasoning. In this course, we will think about 'logical' thinking, explore the nature...

Logic, Logico-Philosophicus, Philosophy, Social sciences view
Link Interdisciplinary Approaches to Musical Time

This course is an interdisciplinary exploration of three broad topics concerning music in relation to time.

Music as Architecture: the...

Music, Time, Psychology, Neuroscience, Philosophy view
Link Interview with Susan Wolf on meaning in life

Short interview with Susan Wolf on meaning in life. Part of the series Philosophy Bites.

Philosophy, meaning of life view
Course Kant: Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics

In the 'Prolegomena' Kant aims to introduce the general audience to his critical project. We will read and discuss the text in full, and hence...

Philosophy, Reason view
Document Meaning of Life - Essay questions

Essay questions for the course 'The Meaning of Life'.

meaning of life, Philosophy view
Document Meaning of Life - Resources

A list of philosophy resources on the meaning of life, with some general recommendations and specific resources for each week of the course....

meaning of life, Analytic philosophy, Philosophy view
Document Philosophy of Art resources

References and recommended resources for the course 'Philosophy of Art'.

philosophy of art, Philosophy view
Link Philosophy of Religion

This series of eight lectures delivered by Dr T. J. Mawson at the University of Oxford in Hilary Term 2011, introduces the main philosophical...

Philosophy, Religion, Theism, God, Atheism, Agnosticism, Faith, Natural Theology, Philosophical Theology view
Course Plato's 'Gorgias'

This dialogue concerns the nature and purpose of rhetoric, which flourished in 5th-century BC Athens just as it does today. Socrates provocatively...

Plato, Philosophy view
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