religious symbolism
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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2Type | Title | Description | Keywords | Full details |
New wine in old bottles: A comparison between The Boxley Rood of Grace, and John Soane's Monk’s Parlour and Cell and Monk’s Yard, with reference to religious symbolism in material culture at the time of the Dissolution, and in the Romantic Era, E. Casey |
This article compares and contrasts the sixteenth-century miraculous crucifix The Boxley Rood of Grace, and the architect John Soane's... |
16th century, 19th century, Material Culture, religious symbolism | view | |
Victorian Appropriation of Medieval Eucharistic Symbolism: A comparative analysis of St. Giles Cathedral and Goblin Market by Katerina Kern |
This article considers the manner in which ‘Goblin Market’ by Christina Rossetti and St. Giles Cathedral by Augustus Pugin appropriate... |
Victorian, 19th century, Christina Rossetti, Augustus Pugin, St Giles Cathedral, Medieval, religious symbolism | view |