
Open Educational Resources

Spanish grammar

Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Link 100 actividades educativas online sobre ortografia, acentuacion y puntuacion para primaria en Humano Digital.

100 educational online activites to work Spanish ortography,accentuation and punctuation. The activities are oriented for Spanish speaking...

Spanish beginners, Spanish elementary, Spanish grammar, Spanish resources view
Link 255 actividades gratuitas para trabajar la gramatica en el aula en Humano Digital

Humano Digital is an Argentinian CC website that covers different issues such as technology, art, science, Internet and TICS, … and education....

Spanish grammar, Spanish resources, Spanish beginners, Spanish elementary, Spanish for teachers view
Link Actividades de Todoele

In the section Materiales didácticos, there is a subsection called Actividades. There you will find activities that specify grammar, functional...

Spanish activities, Spanish culture, Spanish grammar, Spanish for teachers, All levels Spanish view
Link Botiquín del profesor en Todoele

At the section Materiales didácticos, you will find Botiquín del professor. It offers handouts and activities to teach Spanish grammar and Spanish...

All levels Spanish, Spanish grammar, Spanish activities view
Link Canciones de Todoele

At Materiales didácticos, you will find Canciones. This section provides songs that work in different aspects of Spanish. For every song you will...

All levels Spanish, Spanish activities, Spanish culture, Spanish for students, Spanish for teachers, Spanish grammar view
Link Ejercicios gramaticales en Todoele

At Materiales didácticos, you will find Ejercicios gramaticales. This section provides different activities under a title that shows what Spanish...

All levels Spanish, Spanish activities, Spanish for teachers, Spanish grammar view
Link El estilo indirecto con Mafalda

This activity from language provides a fun activity to learn and practise estilo indirect while enjoying the character by Quino, Mafalda...

Spanish Intermediate, Spanish activities, Spanish grammar, Spanish resources, Latin American culture, Spanish advanced view
Link Spanish: Espacios públicos

This material is part of Learning Space at the Open University that allows to explore material for different subjects.
This material...

Spanish beginners, Spanish for teachers, Spanish for students, Spanish activities, Spanish resources, Latin American culture, Spanish culture, Spanish grammar, Spanish lexicon view

A website with lots of material for teaching Spanish. Oriented to teachers and students of all levels, it provides a wide set of resources...

All levels Spanish, Spanish grammar, Spanish activities, Spanish culture, Spanish resources, Spanish for teachers, Spanish for students view
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