
Open Educational Resources

Spanish for students

Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Link Canciones de Todoele

At Materiales didácticos, you will find Canciones. This section provides songs that work in different aspects of Spanish. For every song you will...

All levels Spanish, Spanish activities, Spanish culture, Spanish for students, Spanish for teachers, Spanish grammar view
Link En sintonía con el español

This link is part of Cervantes Institute. It provides 8 podcasts with activities and questions to practise Spanish.

Spanish elementary, Spanish Intermediate, Spanish advanced, Spanish for teachers, Spanish for students, Spanish listening, Spanish activities view
Link Gominolabs

Gomino Labs is part of MolinoLabs at El Molino de Ideas. It provides different games to practice and evaluate your knowledge and improvement of...

All levels Spanish, Spanish for teachers, Spanish for students, Spanish resources, Spanish activities, Spanish culture view
Link La educación prohibida

A video about education that you can download. It is long but the first 2 minutes provides a good opportunity to create debate at the Spanish...

Spanish Intermediate, Spanish advanced, Spanish conversation, Spanish for teachers, Spanish for students, Spanish resources view
Link Materiales imprimibles

Materials to print for the Spanish class at all levels.
The website was created to teach Spanish to immigrants.

All levels Spanish, Spanish for teachers, Spanish for students, Spanish activities view
Link Molino de ideas

At Molino de Ideas, you will find services and products for Spanish native speakers and for students of Spanish as a foreign language. They...

Spanish all levels, Spanish for students, Spanish for teachers, Spanish resources, Spanish activities view
Link Molino Labs

It provides different tools to practice Spanish such as working with syllables, accents, proverbs, etc enhancing creativity.

All levels Spanish, Spanish for teachers, Spanish for students, Spanish activities, Spanish resources, Spanish culture view
Link Onoma

ONOMA is the first verb conjugator in Spanish that provides information about how a recently created verb is going to work. It also gives...

Spanish resources, Spanish for teachers, Spanish for students, Spanish all levels view
Link Spanish: con mis propias manos

This material provides tools to talk about art, to express likes and dislikes and express feelings about different situations. Also, it allows...

Spanish Intermediate, Spanish for teachers, Spanish for students, Spanish conversation, Spanish activities, Spanish resources, Spanish culture, Latin American culture view
Link Spanish: Espacios públicos

This material is part of Learning Space at the Open University that allows to explore material for different subjects.
This material...

Spanish beginners, Spanish for teachers, Spanish for students, Spanish activities, Spanish resources, Latin American culture, Spanish culture, Spanish grammar, Spanish lexicon view
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