
Open Educational Resources

Twentieth century

Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Link Als wär’ es ein Stueck von uns . . . German Politics and Society

This essay by...

German history, European history, 20th century, Twentieth century view
Link First World War Poetry

Poetry of WWI

First World War, Twentieth century view
Link France & Nazi Germany

Primary accounts of life in Occupied France

French history, Second World War, Twentieth century view
Link John F. Kennedy's Speeches 1961-63

One of the keys to John F Kennedy's hold on the American people was his ability to deliver powerful speeches, especially in televised addresses to...

Twentieth century, Cold War, 1960s, JFK, History view
Link May Day Demonstrations in Berlin 1948

May Day demonstrations in Berlin, 1948. Part of the crowd is turning left to the Reichstag rendezvous of anti-communists while others continue to...

Berlin, Twentieth century, Germany, Postwar, History view
Link Nazi Germany

Key souces on Nazi Germany

German history, Nazi Germany, Twentieth century view
Link Stalin's Russia

Contemporary Account of Stalin's death

Stalin, Twentieth century, Russian Revolution view
Link Stalin, Truman and Churchill at the Potsdam Conference July 1945

A photo of Stalin, Truman and Churchill at the postwar conference at the Cecilienhof palace in Potdam in July 1945. The war in Asia was still...

Second World War, Germany, Twentieth century, Churchill, Stalin, Truman, History view
Link The Final Days of the Soviet Union 1991

The events of August 1991 led to the Soviet Union, and President Gorbachev, being consigned to the history books.

Malcolm Brinkworth, a BBC...

Soviet Union, Cold War, Twentieth century, Gorbachev, History view
Link Trotsky's murder

Account of Trotsky's murder by his grandson

Stalin, Russian Revolution, Twentieth century view
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