
Open Educational Resources

Use of historical sources

Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this topic, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the other keywords to see resources sorted by alternative topics.

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Type Title Description Keywords Full details

This site gives a very helpful alphabetical list of ancient sources, along with links to online translations (where available) and other useful...

Primary sources, Use of historical sources, Ancient history, Historiography, Ancient rome, Roman empire, Late Roman, Greek history, Byzantine, Early Christian, Decline and Fall, Transformation of the Roman Empire view
Link Archives hub

Enables the user to search across a wealth of archives held at over 220 institutions in England, Scotland and Wales. Covers arts and humanities,...

Art, Humanities, Social sciences, Science, Technology, Health & hygiene, Life sciences, Use of historical sources, History view

This link takes you to a site that has a great deal of useful information about a number of key sources for our period: Eusebius. Eunapius,...

Primary sources, Use of historical sources, Chronicle, Historiography, Byzantine, Late Roman, Roman empire, Ancient rome, Early Christian view

This link takes you to a very useful bibliography of Byzantine sources and editions. It lists available translations of Byzantine sources in...

Primary sources, Use of historical sources, Historiography, Ancient rome, Late Roman, Roman empire, Byzantium, Early Christian view
Link Making History
Use of historical sources, Historiography, Historical reseach, History view
Link Oxfordshire History Gateway

A guide and reference source for researchers and potential researchers into Oxfordshire’s history, archaeology, landscape and buildings. It aims...

Oxford, Oxfordshire, Use of historical sources, Landscape, Buildings, History view
Link The National Archives

Access to thousands of primary historical sources plus related articles and learning resources.

Primary sources, Use of historical sources, History view
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