
Open Educational Resources

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs: This license is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially. more details

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Link 2012 British Graduate Shakespeare Conference

The Shakespeare Institute’s 2012 Graduate Conference. Includes lectures and discussions on the plays.

Shakespeare, Renaissance, Drama, Plays, Analysis view
Link A Conversation with Tim O'Brien on Writing and War

From Stanford University: Authors Tim O'Brien and Tobias Wolff discuss war, ethics, and writing.

Fiction, Contemporary, Analysis, War view
Link A reading and translation of Goethe's poem Das Rosenband

Goethe's poem Das Rosenband performed by Christian Wewerka in German, with text and synchronised translation. From the Goethe Podcasts web site,...

Advanced German, German Language, German Intermediate, Arts and History; Arts; German; Goethe; History; Lieder; Music; Poems; Poetry; Schubert, German Poetry view
Course Africa: Cradle Of Humanity

As Charles Darwin rightly predicted, Africa is the cradle of humanity, not only of our own species but also of the very first members of our...

Africa, Archaeology, behavior, Evolution, hominin view
Link Communicate like Italians do: use your hands!

A resource offering activities to reflect on one particular aspect of Italian language: hand gestures. The resource focuses on the importance of...

Italian Language - Level: Intermediate view
Link Counting the Fingers of Adam Smith's Invisible Hand

Professor Rae of Yale University discusses Adam Smith's idea that markets work best with no government interference.

Adam Smith, The Invisible hand, The Market Mechanism, Efficiency view
Link Designing Online Advertising Markets

Professor Susan Athey of Harvard University discusses the deisgn of online advertising markets on this video lecture

Markets, Online, Advertising view
Link Deutsch im Blick

A German Language Course produced by the University of Texas for online learning. The textbook was revised in 2011 and has 10 chapters.


Elementary German, Beginners German, German Language view
Link Être français

An activity asking learners to think and speak on the topic of what it means to be French. A resource published on the Open Educational Resources...

Intermediate French, Advanced French, French stereotypes, French speaking activities view
Course From Hogarth to Reynolds: English Visual Arts of the 18th Century

This course will focus upon the development of the visual arts in 18th century Britain. Topics to be explored will range from the riotous...

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