Alison Samuels
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Type | Title | Description | Keywords | Full details |
Augustan Rome |
Short introduction to Augustan Rome -lecture notes for Reading Latin Texts |
Augustus, Ancient rome | view | |
Lecture Notes: Livy, History and Hannibal |
Lecture Notes : Livy, HIstory and Hannibal, for the Introductory Reading Latin Texts Class 2016-17. This document is uploaded primarily to benefit students who are unable to attend class, and to assist those who do attend with note-taking. |
view | ||
Week 2, work covered, work set |
My notes for the opening lecture on Tacitus Annals XIV are attached. Also the brief talk on Ovid. We are preparing Ovid Amores 1.2 and Tacitus Annals XIV 4 and 5. |
Tacitus, Agrippina, Nero | view |