
Open Educational Resources

Alison Samuels


Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Document Augustan Rome

Short introduction to Augustan Rome -lecture notes for Reading Latin Texts

Augustus, Ancient rome view
Document Lecture Notes: Livy, History and Hannibal

 Lecture Notes : Livy, HIstory and Hannibal, for the Introductory Reading Latin Texts Class 2016-17.   This document is uploaded primarily to benefit students who are unable to attend class, and to assist those who do attend with note-taking.

Document Week 2, work covered, work set

My notes for the opening lecture on Tacitus Annals XIV are attached.  Also the brief talk on Ovid.  We are preparing Ovid Amores 1.2 and Tacitus Annals XIV 4 and 5.

Tacitus, Agrippina, Nero view