
Open Educational Resources

Jane Clark


Displaying 1 - 20 of 45
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Document A list of poets studied

A summary of all the poets studied during Mystical Islamic Poetry 1-7.

stical Poet view
Document A selection of poems by Sultan Bahu

A set of nine 'abyāt' (four line poems).

stical Poet view
Document An Introduction to 'Attar's Conference of the Birds

A brief outline of 'Attar's life and work, plus some background on 'Confernece of the Birds'

Document An Introduction to Amir Khusrau

An introduction to the life and work of Amir Khusrau (1253-1325), who lived and worked under the Delhi Sultanate in Northern India.

Kusrau, Mystical Islamic Poetry view
Document An Introduction to Aʾisha al-Baʿūniyya (d.1517)

A brief introduction to the life and work of one of the most important women writers in the Islamic tradition, author of two collections of poetry and a manual on the mystical path.

stical Islamic Poetry view
Document An Introduction to ʿAbd al-Ghanī al-Nabulusi (d. 1731)

An overview of the life and times of the famous Ottoman poet of Damascus.

ystical view
Document Awhad al-Din Kirmani

A talk by Jane Clark, inroducing the poet Kirmani's life and times and the form of the queatrain for which he was famous.

Kirmani, Sufi poetry, Islamic mysticism view
Document Book List 2

An updated book list including recommended general reading as well as specific lists for Ibn al-Fāriḍ and Jelāl al-dīn Rūmī.

Islamic Poetry, Islamic mysticism view
Document Five Wine Poems from Rumi's Dīwān

A selection of poems with different translators on the theme of wine and spiritual intoxifaction

Attar, Wine, Islamic mysticism view
Document Ghazal 2214 from Rumi's Dīwān

Two different translations of what is perhaps the most famous poem from the Dīwān.

Rumi, Ghazal, Islamic mysticism view
Document Ibn 'Arabi on Reflection in Mirrors

Extract from 'Fusus al-hikam',Chapter of Seth

Islamic Mystical Poetry view
Document Ibn 'Arabi's 'Tarjuman al-ashwaq'

A lecture by Jane Clark giving some background to the writing of 'The Translator of Desires' and to the poems studied in week 5 of the course.

Ibn 'Arabi view
Document Ibn al-Fāriḍ: An Introduction

A basic overview of life and work, plus a short introduction to "The Wine Ode".

Ibn al-Farid, Mysticism view
Document Ibn al-Farid: The Wine Ode

The text of one of Ibn al-Farid's most famous poems, as translated by Th. Emil Homerin

Document Ibn al-Farid: Three More Poems

Three additional poems studied in Week 2 to give a taste of the range of imagery and tone used by Ibn al-Farid.

Ibn al-Farid view
Document Introduction

An overview of the course, the period of the 14th century which it covers, and an introduction to the life and and work of Shabistarī (d.1390)

Shabistari, Mystical Islamic Poetry view
Document Introduction to Jami

A brief overview of the life and work of Nūr al-dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Jami (1414-1492), covering his work as a poet, as a Sufi shaykh of the Naqshbandī order and as an important follower of Ibn ʿArabī.

Mystical Islamic Poetry view
Document Introduction to Mystical Islamic Poetry 4

A brief survey of the poets covered so far in Mystical Islamic Poetry 1-3

Sufi poetry view
Document Introduction to Mystical Islamic Poetry 6

An overview of the period 1390-1518 spanned by the four poets studied on this course: Hafez (d.1492); Kabir (d. 1518); Jami (d.1492); A'ishah al-B'uniyya (d.1517).

Mysticism, Poetry, Islam view
Document Introduction to Mystical Islamic Poetry 6

A short overview of the four poets that will be studied on this course and the cultural context of the Islamic world in the 14th-16th century.

stical Islam Poetr view
