
Open Educational Resources

Sandie Byrne


Displaying 1 - 16 of 16
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Document Augustan Literature

Handout to accompany lecture on Mansfield Park

Jane Austen, The Novel, Fiction, Eighteenth - century, Nineteenth-century, Women's writing view
Document Austen Questions

List of undergraduate essay questions

Jane Austen, Women's writing, Fiction, Nineteenth-century, Eighteenth - century view
Document Epistolary fiction

Handout on epistolary fiction

Jane Austen, Women's writing, Fiction, The Novel, Nineteenth-century, Eighteenth - century view
Document Gothic Novel

Handout to accompany talk on Northanger Abbey and the Gothic Novel. Used in conjunction with the WW. Norton Norton Topics Online link provided, and project Gutenberg edn of The Mysteries of Udolpho.

Jane Austen, The Novel, Nineteenth-century, Eighteenth - century, Women's writing, Fiction, Gothic view
Document Handout Emma talk

Handout to accompany lecture on Emma.

Jane Austen, Women's writing, Eighteenth - century, Nineteenth-century, The Novel, Fiction view
Document Handout on context Mansfield Park

Document to accompany talk on Mansfield Park and the Regency

Jane Austen, Eighteenth - century, Nineteenth-century, The Novel, Fiction, Women's writing view
Audio Irony in Jane Austen's novels

Podcast on irony in Jane Austen's novels

Jane Austen, The Novel, Fiction, Women's writing, Irony view
Document Jane Austen weekly class handouts

Handouts for the weekly class on Jane Austen Hilary Term 2017

Audio Jane Austen's equations

Podcast on Jane Austen's equations

Jane Austen, The Novel, Fiction, Women's writing view
Document Jane Austen: Life and Work

A longer Powerpoint presentation than ‘Jane Austen Why?’. Also used in lectures. The part of this that does not duplicate the ‘Why?’ presentation, i.e. the life and other sections, is used in the second session of the course to start discussion...

Jane Austen, Nineteenth-century view
Document Jane Austen: Why?

A presentation used in the first session of the course to start discussion about why we read Austen

Jane Austen, Nineteenth-century view
Document Literature of Sensibility

Handout to accompany talk on the literature of sensibility

Jane Austen, The Novel, Fiction, Eighteenth - century, Nineteenth-century, Women's writing view
Document Pride and Prejudice Language

Handout to accompany lecture on language of Pride and Prejudice.

Jane Austen, The Novel, Women's writing, Fiction, Nineteenth-century, Eighteenth - century view
Document Romanticism

Handout to accompany lecture on context of Austen’s work

Jane Austen, The Novel, Fiction, Women's writing, Nineteenth-century, Eighteenth - century view
Document Sublime Beautiful Picturesque

Handout to accompany lecture on the Gothic/18th-19th-c aesthetics

Jane Austen, The Novel, Fiction, Eighteenth - century, Nineteenth-century, Women's writing view
Document Time MP and the Regency

Handout to accompany lecture on Mansfield Park and the Regency

Jane Austen, The Novel, Fiction, Women's writing, Nineteenth-century, Eighteenth - century view