
Open Educational Resources

Empire And Its Discontents: An Examination Of Kilmainham Gaol And Aapravasi Ghat, Robert Deba

Despite being separated by over 6,339 miles, Kilmainham Gaol and Aapravsai Ghat are inextricably linked as artefacts documenting the legacy of the British Empire. This essay shall consider the geo-historical and socio-political dimensions of each by examining them under a lens for both form and function. Chronologically, it shall consider events across the long nineteenth century (1789-1914).1 Consequently, it shall enable an understanding of the role of these events’ contextual impact upon the British Empire by birthing the related, nascent independence movements; the shaping of its legacy; and recasting of its identity.2

Date created: 
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Attribution for this resource:
Empire And Its Discontents: An Examination Of Kilmainham Gaol And Aapravasi Ghat, Robert Deba, All rights reserved.
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