
Open Educational Resources

Theatricality and Restoration: the Re-construction of Royalty, Jackie Colburn

The two artefacts under discussion in this article are the fourth Triumphal Arch, constructed in London for the coronation of Charles II in 1661, and the Killigrew Patent, one of two Royal patents drawn up in 1662 to formalize the rights, given to Thomas Killigrew (1612-1683) and William Davenant (1606-1668) exclusively, to build and run theatres in London. I propose to explore the significance of pageantry, spectacle and theatre during and immediately following the Restoration in 1660 and in particular how these artefacts impacted on the manipulation of the perception of restored monarchy.

Date created: 
Friday, May 1, 2015
Attribution for this resource:
Theatricality and Restoration: the Re-construction of Royalty, Jackie Colburn, All rights reserved.