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From Civilisation to Barbarism? Western Britain in the Early Middle Ages

Did collapse, crisis, and ‘Celtic’ culture characterise post-Roman western Britain? How Roman was ‘British’ society during the 5th - 7th centuries AD? We will consider a broad range of sources to explore ‘Dark Age’ life in the West.


Resources for this course

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Type Resource Description People Full details
Document Western Britain in the Early Middle Ages: Course Reading List

Course Reading List for 'From Civilisation to Barbarism? Western Britain in the Early Middle Ages' 

Kirsten Jarrett view
Document Western Britain in the Early Middle Ages: Supplementary Reading List

Additional sources relating to Early Medieval Britain, to support home study of students taking 'From Civilisation to Barbarism? Western Britain...

Kirsten Jarrett view
Link Britanni: Continuing Education Resources - Early Medieval Britain

Tutor's Website, containing additional resources relating to Early Medieval Western Britain

Document Western Britain in the Early Middle Ages: Internet Resource List

Links to sites of use and interest for students of Early Medieval Western Britain (Tutor is not responsible for external content)

Kirsten Jarrett view
Document Session and Course Review Sheets: From Civilisation to Barbarism? Western Britain in the Early Middle Ages

A resource to aid students in recognising aquired knowledge and skills, and to determine where additional home study, or tutor support, might be...

Kirsten Jarrett view