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First Steps in Formal Logic 2013

Logic is concerned with the rules of coherent and systematic reasoning. In this course, we will think about 'logical' thinking, explore the nature of validity, and learn a new symbolic way to lay bare the formal structure of arguments.

Date created:

2013-01-08 11:51
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Resources for this course

Displaying 1 - 31 of 31
Type Resource Description People Full details
Document Handout 2: Arguments

Handout about validity and soundness.

Peter Wyss view
Link Validity and Soundness

An article in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Link Book: Formal Logic

A link to Peter Smith's website that accompanies his book 'Formal Logic': plenty of additional material.

Document Handout 1: Logic, the 'Art of Thinking'

Introduction to the course. Remarks on validity.

Peter Wyss view
Document Handout 3: Propositional Logic I

Syntax and basic semantics of PL.

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Document Exercises 1

Arguments, Soundness and Validity.

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Document Exercises 2

Translating into PL, wffs, quotation.

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Document Handout 4: Propositional Logic II

All dyadic connectives, reductions (equivalences), paradoxes of the material implication.

Peter Wyss view
Link Book: Logic Manual

A link to Volker Halbach's website that accompanies his book 'The Logic Manual', additional material for download.

Document Handout 5: How to Evaluate Complex PL Sentences

A guide for calculating truth values in truth tables.

Peter Wyss view
Document Exercises 3

Formalise sentences and calculate truth values in PL.

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Document Handout 6: Propositional Logic III

Testing validity with the semantical method.

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Document Handout 7: Propositional Logic IV

Testing validity with the syntactical method; natural deduction.

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Document Exercises 4

Translating into PL language, testing validity, tautologies and contradictions.

Peter Wyss view
Document Handout 8: Syllogistics I

Limits of PL, categorical propositions, Venn diagrams.

Peter Wyss view
Document Handout 9: Syllogistics II

Distribution, square of opposition, conversions.

Peter Wyss view
Document Exercises 5

Identifying subject and predicate terms, A E I O statements, direct inferences and conversions.

Peter Wyss view
Link Book: Logic Primer

A link to Paul Teller's website, where he offers for download his two-volume introduction to formal logic, which is out of print.

Document Exercises 4 (Solution for 5)

Solutions for the three natural deductions of exercise 5a–c.

Peter Wyss view
Document Handout 10: Syllogistics III

More on distribution, all valid modes at a glance.

Peter Wyss view
Document Handout 11: Syllogistics IV

Reduction to the first figure, rules for validity, test for validity with Venn diagrams.

Peter Wyss view
Document Handout 11A: Validity for Syllogisms

Further information about testing validity using modus Felapton.

Peter Wyss view
Document Exercises 6

Formulating syllogisms, test for validity.

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Document Handout 12: Predicate Logic I

The limits of syllogistics; introduction to QL and its syntax.

Peter Wyss view
Document Exercises 7

Translations into and from QL.

Peter Wyss view
Document Handout 13: Predicate Logic II

The semantics of QL, vailidity, and a sketch of natural deduction.

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Document Handout 14: Predicate Logic III

The tree method sketched, predicate logic with identity (QL=), extensionality, second-order predicate logic.

Peter Wyss view
Document Exercises 8

Translations to and from QL and QL=.

Peter Wyss view
Document Handout 15: Modal Logic

Sketch of modal logic, possible worlds, the de re/de dicto distinction.

Peter Wyss view
Document Handout 16: Formal Fallacies

A list of formal fallacies (PL, QL, syllogistics, modal logic) with examples.

Peter Wyss view
Document Handout 17: Non-Classical Logic

Rough sketches of many-valued logic and free logic.

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