
Open Educational Resources

Philosophy of Art

Art plays a large role in the lives of most people. But what is art? Why do we appreciate it? Is it because we enjoy it, because we learn from it, or due to its beauty? Are there objective standards for what constitutes good art? And how is art created?

Date created:

2013-10-09 14:06
Course type: 

Resources for this course

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Type Resource Description People Full details
Document Essay questions

Essay questions for the course 'Philosophy of Art'.

Andrea Lechler view
Document Philosophy of Art resources

References and recommended resources for the course 'Philosophy of Art'.

Andrea Lechler view
Link Guide to Producing Coursework

A guide to producing coursework for the OUDCE weekly class programme.

Document Philosophy assignment advice

Some tips for reading philosophical literature and writing philosophy papers with links to further resources on the topic.

Andrea Lechler view
Document David Hume, 'On the Standard of Taste'

Passages essential for the assignment are marked in bold.

Andrea Lechler view