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Reading Latin Texts

The focus is on reading, analysing and translating in the group setting, and grammar topics will be addressed weekly.  Students will need to prepare translations & practise their translation skills in their own time and regular assignments will be set. The course is structured around the critical reading in the class of a prose and a verse text - this year based on using selections from Ovid Amores 1 and Tacitus Annals 14

Reading is scheduled to proceed at a rate of roughly 40 lines per week in the verse text and the equivalent in the prose text.  Particular editions of the set texts are recommended, but other editions will be acceptable if they have  full Latin text, notes and commentary.  The course will follow the pace of the class.

Date created:

2019-09-30 12:40
Course type: 

Resources for this course

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Type Resource Description People Full details
Link Latin Scansion Link

This page is very useful for scansion.

Document Week 2, work covered, work set

My notes for the opening lecture on Tacitus Annals XIV are attached.  Also the brief talk on Ovid.  We are preparing Ovid Amores 1.2 and...

Alison Samuels view
Document Week 3 Work Covered, Work Set

We will continue with 1 Amores 2, 22-end and Tacitus XIV 6 & 7 with the option to continue into 8.  Students have the option to attempt...

Alison Samuels
Link Week 4

For next week Amores 1.3 and 1.4 - line 10.

Tacitus s8 from 'questibus - s10.  We will be omitting 23-6 and 42 -5.

Bradley 53.7...

Document For Final Week

We will be reading Tacitus 29-30; Ovid VII 1-35; Bradley 65. 6 (possibly ... contest).  The Assessment is uploaded below.

Alison Samuels
Document Hilary Assessment 2020

Here is the Assessment for the Hilary Term

Alison Samuels