
Open Educational Resources

Academic studies in higher education

Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this subject, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the keywords to see resources sorted by more in-depth topics.

Academic studies in higher education (X342): The study of teaching and learning, the arrangement of the curriculum, and the investigation of the learning process in order to improve learning ability and efficiency in people in higher education.

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Video File FindAndUse.swf

Short presentation on how to best find OER and ways you can use them. Note f you have trouble playing this file, open it in a browser....

OER view
Video File podcast3.swf

Short presentation with information on how to podcast. Note if you have trouble playing this file, open it in a browser.

podcasting view
Document Training presentation for tutors creating subject collections

Slides from training given to tutors who are about use to share OER and other resources through subject collections.

OER view
Document Training presentation for tutors using and releasing OER

Slides from training given to tutors who are about use to produce their own OER and share links to other resources.

OER view
Video File what are oer1.swf

Short presentation providing an overview of OER and Open licensing. Note if you have trouble playing this file, open it in a browser....

OER view
Video File WhyRelease1.swf

Short presentation covering the reasons individual tutors and institutions might want to release content as OER. Note if you have trouble playing...

OER view
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