
Open Educational Resources


Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this subject, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the keywords to see resources sorted by more in-depth topics.

Biology (C100): A broadly based scientific study of living organisms, both animal and vegetable. Includes their structure, functions, evolution, distribution and interrelationships.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Typesort descending Title Description Keywords Full details
Link Vaccine Research at Oxford

A lecture series on vaccine research consisting of 4 lectures covering vaccines for tuberculosis and HIV. Produced by the University of Oxford....

Human diseases, Tuberculosis, HIV, AIDS, Vaccinations, Lecture series view
Link Fly brain and gut

Beautiful confocal microscopy images of the brain and gut connections in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Produced by PhD student Paola...

Entomology, Nervous system, Fruit fly, Brain morphology, Insects view
Link Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions Using R and Bioconductor

An advanced course on computational biology and bioinformatics, where students get an overview of the use of computational biology and...

R, Biostatistics, Bioconductor, Normalization, Differential expression view
Link Synthetic Biology

Course material for the 2012 course in Synthetic biology given by Dr. Jeffrey Barrick from the University of Texas. The online material includes...

Synthetic biology, Gene synthesis, Gene regulation, Genomics view
Link Mammals

An online resource on mammals from the Natural History in London. The material contains an online discussion board for identification of mammals...

Mammals, Biodiversity, Bats, Whales, Fossils, Dolphins view
Link The Secret Life of Your Body Clock - BBC Horizon

This is a link to the BBC Horizon programme entitled 'The Secret Life of Your Body Clock'.  The documentary is about the secret world of the body...

sleep, Psychology, psychobiology, biological rhythms, body clock, endogenous, endogenous pacemakers view
Link Basic principles of genetics

An introduction to Mendelian genetics and inheritance. The site contains short basic entries for each topic as well as practice quizzes,...

Mendel, inheritance, Punnett square view
Link Neurobiology course

A comprehensive online introductory course on neurobiology. The course conists of 10 units including topics such as electrical signalling,...

Neurobiology, Brain morphology, Nervous system, Neurotransmitters, Synapses, Motor systems view
Link Darwin Now

A series of 9 podcasts (lasting about 20 minutes each) from the Open University on the life and science of Charles Darwin.

Darwin, Natural selection, History of science, Language diversity view
Link Small Mammal Trapping

Short video introducing and illustrating the collection capture of small mammals using Sherman traps. Aimed at students without previous field...

Ecological Survey techniques, Mammals view
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