
Open Educational Resources


Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this subject, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the keywords to see resources sorted by more in-depth topics.

Ecology (C180): The study of organisms in their environment, their interactions and history.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Link BBC's natural history archive

BBC's collection of short video clips from some of their impressive natural history programmes. The clips show a variety of different animals and...

Natural history, Attenborough, timelapse photography, Dinosaurs, Garden wildlife, Insects view
Link British Trees

An introduction to British Trees crated by the Woodland Trust. Contains short entries for all British trees. Each entry contains detailed...

Plant identification, British trees, Tree guide view
Link Ecology I: The Earth System

An overview of the undergraduate ecology course taught by Professors Edward DeLong and Penny Chisholm from MIT. The rich material includes...

Food webs, The biogeochemical cycle, Population growth, Predation view
Link Electrofishing Basics

A short PowerPoint presentation introducing Electrofishing as a method for collection aquatic invertebrates. Aimed at students without previous...

Ecological Survey techniques, Fish, Stream sampling view
Link Evolution, Ecology and Behavior with Stephen C. Stearns

A lecture series consisting of 36 Youtube lectures (45 minutes each) on the topics of evolution, ecology and behaviour given by the distinquished...

Animal Behaviour, Natural selection, Sexual selection, Altruism, Genetic variation, Lecture series view
Link Insects and Spiders - The Natural History Museum in London

A comprehensive introduction to taxonomy and diversity of insects and spiders, including videos and identification guides. Generated by the...

Insects, Spiders, Butterflies, Biodiversity, Bumblebees, Taxonomy, Animal identification, Entomology, Arachnology view
Link Light Trapping For Invertebrates

Short video introducing and illustrating the collection of insects and other invertebrates using a light trap. Aimed at students without previous...

Ecological Survey techniques, Insects, Entomology view
Link Microbiology course

A comprehensive online introductory course in microbiology consiting of 10 units covering a range of topics including bacteria, metabolism, human...

Biodiversity, Bacteria, Human diseases, Virus, Fungi, Protozoa view
Link Online Biology Book

An introductory online book of biology for first year undergraduates. The book, written by Dr Michael J Farabee, concists of 59 chapters are from...

Biological diversity, Biodiversity, Paleobiology, Physiology view
Link Oxford Botanic Garden lecture series

A lecture series comprising 12 one-hour lectures on topic of botanical interest, including plant genetics, crops and medicinal plants. Produced by...

Medical science, Medicinal plants, Agriculture, Crops, Botanical garden, Lecture series view
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