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English history

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English history (V214): Historical studies of England.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Document Central Government & Volunteering

Extracts from government correspondence discussing the potential, and indeed pitfalls, of local volunteer initatives. Note the central dilemma the...

1792, Terror, volunteers, william pitt, Georgian Britain, revolutionary war view
Document Josephine Butler (1828 – 1906) as depicted by Alexander Munro in sculpture (1855) and obituary (1907). Philippa Toogood

The purpose of this essay is to explore the extent to which Alexander Munro’s 1855 sculpture of Josephine Butler and her obituary, published in...

Document Labour Theories and Paper Currencies: The Economic Concerns of William Cobbett’s ‘Address to the Journeymen and Labourers,’ and Percy Bysshe Shelley’s ‘Men of England &c- A song’, Paul Stephens

Cobbett’s reformist pamphlet ‘Address to the Journeymen and Labourers’ (1816) attempts to demystify the political and economic causes of the...

History view
Document Local Government & Volunteering

Two documents related to Local Government and its role in Volunteer movements, both from Birmingham - something of a hot bed of local politics...

Georgian Britain, revolutionary war, volunteers, eighteenth century history, middle classes view
Document Loyalty & its Limits?

Two documents relating to Local Volunteer movements during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Period. Note the highly localised nature of these...

volunteers, English history, revolutionary war, Napoleonic Wars, Georgian Britain view
Course Loyalty, Locality and the Nation

In the eighteenth century, new concepts of national identity began emerging. In the process long established local identities were challenged. And...

18th century, Georgian Britain, Nationhood view
Document Manly men and angelic women: Gender and nostalgia in George Elgar Hicks’s watercolour The Sinews of Old England (1857) and in an advertisement for Cadbury's Cocoa (1886). Karen Walker

The Sinews of Old England depicts an idealised labourer and his family at the door of their cottage. Cadbury's Cocoa used a similar image for an...

History view
Document Nova Albion Revealed: Drake’s claim of California celebrated by Hakluyt and Hondius, Martha Doerr Toppin

In this essay I will examine two accounts of Sir Francis Drake’s acquisition of Nova Albion for England. I will compare and contrast a text, ‘The...

Link The Bill of Rights 1689

This is a photo and transcript of the Bill of Rights of 1689. The bill formally established the supremacy of parliament after king James II had...

Seventeenth century, Glorious Revolution, Parliamentary history, legal history, History view
Link The Bomb Sight

The Bomb Sight project is mapping the London WW2 bomb census between 7/10/1940 and 06/06/1941. Previously available only by viewing in the Reading...

History, Second World War view
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