
Open Educational Resources

French language

Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this subject, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the keywords to see resources sorted by more in-depth topics.

French language (R110): The study of the French language, its structure, history, grammar and use. Includes acquisition, pronunciation and articulation.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Link Académie française : questions de langue

This link takes you to a section of the Académie française website which deals with tricky points of the French language. Useful to anyone wanting...

Advanced French, French idioms, French Grammar, French dictionary view
Link Activités pédagogiques - FLE

A directory compiled by Flenet (Français Langue Étrangère et Internet) which lists links to websites containing activities, games, exercises,...

Beginners French, Elementary French, Intermediate French, Advanced French, French Activities, French games, French Grammar view
Link Apprendre TV – Le français avec TV5MONDE

A section of TV5, the international French TV channel. It complements the TV5 programmes and offers a range of services, tools and resources for...

Beginners French, Elementary French, Intermediate French, Advanced French, French TV, French Media view
Link Écoute: je recherche un compagnon

This activity includes a short video clip on presenting oneself and giving a personal profile followed by a listening exercise to practise...

Intermediate French, French listening, French vocabulary view
Link En ville – Open Learn Lab Space

This link takes you to a French study unit from the open educational resources of The Open University. The topic is getting about in a French town...

Intermediate French, French Grammar, French courses online, French for teachers view
Link Être français

An activity asking learners to think and speak on the topic of what it means to be French. A resource published on the Open Educational Resources...

Intermediate French, Advanced French, French stereotypes, French speaking activities view
Link Exercices grammaticaux

A directory of French grammar activities and exercises, grouped in grammar categories and listed alphabetically (adjectives, articles etc.) This...

Beginners French, Elementary French, Intermediate French, Advanced French, French Grammar, French Activities, French for teachers, French resources view
Link Exprimer la proportion

This link contains an exercise to practise French phrases for expressing proportions of time which people spend on their daily activities....

Intermediate French, Daily activities in French, Time in French view
Link Français Interactif

Developed by the University of Texas, this award-winning course programme for French beginners is based on an interactive and communicative...

Beginners French, Elementary French, French Grammar, French for teachers, French Audio & Video Materials view
Link Français Interactif – Chansons françaises

This link takes you to an accompanying section of the "Français Interactif" programme presenting 13 French songs, singers and/or bands, one for...

Intermediate French, French Cultural Aspects, French Songs, French for teachers view
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