Politics not elsewhere classified
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Politics not elsewhere classified (L290): Miscellaneous grouping for related subjects which do not fit the other Politics categories. To be used sparingly.
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2Type | Title | Description | Keywords | Full details |
‘A Kind of Silent Rhetoric’: the Significance of the Worthies of Chillingham Castle, Anna Brunton |
This paper examines the political, cultural, and religious context of the Jacobean statues of the Worthies of Chillingham castle. This is... |
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‘The False Marke of the Shadow of Honour’: The significance of honour in late Elizabethan political culture by Adam Diaper |
This article explores the potential, latent within late sixteenth-century discourses of honour, for political and moral dissidence. In a letter to... |
Elizabethan, political culture, Early modern, Shakespeare | view |