
Open Educational Resources

Psychology of communication

Here you will find all the resources identified by our tutors as useful for the study of this subject, arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Browse the tiles and descriptions to discover if there are any resources of interest to you, or click on any of the keywords to see resources sorted by more in-depth topics.

Psychology of communication (C852): The study of psychological processes in verbal and non-verbal communication.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Type Title Description Keywords Full details
Link "Cultural Psychology" - Online Course by The Saylor Foundation

This is a link to an online course on Cultural Psychology. The course reviews the cultural, community, and ecological factors that play a role in...

Anthropology, sociology, Society, Culture, Psychology, Emotion, motivation, development, Morality view
Link "Industrial/Organizational Psychology" - Online Course by The Saylor Foundation

This is a link to an online course which introduces the topics of industrial/organizational psychology, or the application of psychological...

Psychology, industrial psychology, organizational psychology, organisational psychology, I/O psychology, workplace, psychology in the workplace, Employment, recruitment, Evaluation, employee, satisfaction, motivation, commitment, leadership, groups, teams view
Link "Is Autism an extreme of the male brain?" A lecture by Simon Baron-Cohen

This is a Stockholm Psychiatry Lecture given by Professor Simon Baron-Cohen of Cambridge University, entitled "Is Autism an extreme of the male...

Gender, autism, aspergers, Brain, brain scanning, empathy view
Link Allpsych - the Virtual Psychology Classroom

AllPsych is dedicated to the education of psychology and this is a link to the website which contains a number of useful materials and references...

virtual classroom, Reference, quizzes, research methods view
Link Introduction to Psychology Course by the Saylor Foundation

This is a link to an online, introductory course which presents the fundamental principles of psychology. It begins with a short overview of the...

Psychology, nature, nurture, nature-nurture debate, memory, Cognition, Communication, neurospsychology, Introduction, introduction to psychology, Learning, sensation, Perception, development, adolescence, psychopathology view
Link Psychology in the 21st Century

Psychology is not a simple subject and this link to this Open University tutorial examines different aspects of human behaviour and how they...

Psychology, introduction to psychology, statistics, data, paradigms, Observation, Learning view
Link Social Psychology Lecture by Dr. Matthew Lieberman

Dr. Matthew Lieberman introduces the topic of Social Psychology at UCLA, covering the topic of conformity to authority and reasons why we conform...

conformity, social psychology, authority, social pressure view
Link The Autistic Spectrum: From Theory to Practice

This is a link to an Open University unit on autism, where the wide spectrum of disorders associated with autism is described. The unit then...

autism, asperger's, Psychology, psychological disorders, developmental disorders, child development, research, diagnosis, treatment view
Link Twelve Angry Men - Notes on the Film and A Discussion about Conformity

Twelve Angry Men is a play/film commonly used to demonstrate conformity and the role of a minority group in swaying a majority group in social...

social psychology, conformity, Psychology, minority group, majority group view
Link Types of Reliability

Research Methods Knowledge Base page from the Web Center for Social Research Methods (Cornell University) introduces the major forms of...

reliability, Validity, statistics view
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